
We want to act sustainably and ethically. Elomatic is an important operator in its field and we play a key role as a social influencer and developer of our industry.

Our objective is to be a responsible partner and to design solutions that increase environmental and human well-being. As a well-established company, we have the means to operate long-term to promote this objective.

Here, responsibility starts with every Elomatic employee and we require all our partners to have a similar approach.

We contribute to sustainable development with our daily design work

We want to participate in developing a society that is based on clean energy production and the efficient utilization of energy and raw materials. We help our customers operate in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and we are constantly developing new, increasingly ecological solutions.

We are also committed to reducing our energy consumption and the volume of waste and greenhouse gas emissions generated by our operations.

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We take different stakeholders into account

Our employees are a key to our success and we treat them accordingly. For example, we try to take into account the work-life balance necessary for our employees and identify work stressors as early as possible. It is important to us that we treat all people equally.

The purpose of our operations is to improve the competitiveness of our customers. Therefore, we ensure that we fulfill the promises we have made to our customers and that we are constantly developing new solutions to produce more value for our customers. We also foster good relations with the society around us and actively participate in the development of our industry.

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We protect privacy and business secrets

We are committed to implementing a good customer and personal data processing policy and data privacy policy and acting in compliance with applicable legislation. We collect, use and store personal data when it is justified by the nature of our activities. Personal data is destroyed according to our privacy protection policy when the data is no longer needed.

We maintain information security by following our internal guidelines and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of data. We keep our data network and services up to date and ensure our personnel’s information security skills are at an adequate level. We classify and protect the confidential data of customers and stakeholders, and we do not disclose the data anywhere.

We avoid conflicts of interests and our communication is reliable

Our personal interests do not influence our decisions. We avoid conflicts of interests that could undermine our judgment regarding our business operations. We do not engage in activities within and outside our work that could compromise the reputation of Elomatic or our customers.

The main principles of our communications are reliability, openness, equality, transparency and timeliness. We take legislation, official regulations and our own instructions into account in all of our communications.

We react to ethical violations

Elomatic has implemented a written procedure that allows our employees to report any cases of discrimination, ethical offences, harsh treatment or other forms of misconduct without suffering adverse consequences. Our business partners and stakeholders are urged to report to the group management if they suspect that someone is violating the law or Elomatic’s ethical principles.

We have established a process for investigating reported ethical and legal violations and implementing disciplinary measures. We take great care to investigate all suspicions of misconduct anonymously and justly in accordance with our established policies. We do not tolerate retaliatory actions against persons who have reported misconduct.

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