What do you think are the most fascinating opportunities of digitalization in your field?

Guido Schulte | Managing Director | Marine & Offshore Energy

There is an ocean of opportunities, and it is hard to choose a few. Nonetheless, years of experience in shipyards have revealed that most of the challenges occur in orchestrating the teams and managing the respective data and information flows accurately and appropriately. In my opinion, digitalization is mainly about helping people to focus on doing the important things better and more quickly.

Large ship design projects are extremely data-intensive, more so than in any other industry. Information originates from thousands of sources, in various formats and maturity levels, often from teams spread across the globe and across multiple time zones. Administrating this vast amount of data poses significant challenges and strains managers, design planners and engineers alike.

This is where smart digitalization can make a huge difference by introducing powerful Product Data Management (PDM/PLM) systems, tailored to the relevant business workflows and integrated into Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

Digitalization can also address the challenge of orchestrating the collaborative engineering process and seamlessly integrating it with procurement. The main objective is to ensure that every stakeholder understands their role, allowing for synchronized efforts across all disciplines. With our new digitalized process landscape tool all stakeholders gain deep insights into the design process through a comprehensive visual management overview. This promises significant gains in productivity and cost efficiency.

Kaisa Tuomilehto | Design Manager | Automation systems

At this point, I see that Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers the most fascinating opportunities in my field. It provides opportunities to create more intelligent automation systems than ever before, and I believe that it will be a game changer in the green transition.

In the near future, AI will be utilized in the design of industrial automation solutions and it will become an integral part of delivered automation and IT systems. With real-time data analysis and machine learning, these systems can self-optimize, adjusting parameters to changing conditions. This enables industries to achieve maximum output with energy-efficient processes while minimizing environmental impacts. Self-optimized adaptability also increases the longevity and effectiveness of automation solutions.

Furthermore, AI-driven simulations can provide a virtual sandbox for automation engineers to test and refine designs in a more efficient way. This not only saves costs but also allows for more thorough testing, resulting in more reliable systems. AI will be an invaluable tool for engineers in their mission to reshape industries through automation.

Increasing opportunities also come with increasing responsibility. While AI can offer tremendous benefits, it must be used with care and accompanied by robust quality control measures to ensure that its outcomes meet the desired standards of accuracy, fairness, and ethical conduct.

Kaj Rosing | Portfolio Manager | Pharma

Digitalization offers numerous fascinating opportunities in the pharmaceutical sector, with the potential to revolutionize drug development, manufacturing, patient care, and overall industry efficiency. Some of the most compelling prospects include:

  • AI-driven drug discovery: Accelerating research and repurposing existing drugs.
  • Personalized medicine: Tailoring treatments to individual needs with genomics and data.
  • Smart manufacturing and supply chain optimization: Enhancing production and distribution.
  • Telemedicine and remote monitoring: Improving patient care, aided by AI for drug safety monitoring.
  • Patient engagement and adherence: Benefitting from mHealth tools.
  • Blockchain: Bolstering regulatory compliance.

We at Elomatic, find the most interesting opportunities in manufacturing and supply chain optimization, along with enhancing supply chain visibility. Implementing Industry 4.0 concepts, including IoT sensors, data analytics, and automation, can elevate efficiency, bolster quality control, and ensure compliance. Real-time supply chain monitoring yields tangible benefits, such as reducing drug shortages, optimizing inventory management, and safeguarding product integrity.

While these opportunities are exciting, they come with their own set of challenges. Digitalization brings with it data privacy concerns, regulatory hurdles, and the need for workforce upskilling. Nevertheless, embracing it has the potential to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and drive innovation in drug development and healthcare delivery.

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